Thursday, June 13, 2013

The first fruits of our labors.

I've discovered the tiny peppers, tomatoes, and budding zucchini and cucumbers that herald a gourmet harvest is only a few weeks away! 

And the first of the edible flowers are blooming. 


Marigolds, which provide nice color accents near the lettuces, chard, and mesclun greens but also keep pesky raiders like rabbits away. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The glorious spring of 2013

The garden is just growing rampant with the frequent rains and mild temperatures this spring. It can really give one a big head- I'm starting to believe I have green thumbs. 

A basket full of mixed greens for supper. 

The first nasturtium bloom. 

The Swiss chard is gorgeous. 

The ornamental flowering area is continuing to bloom. There has been a nice gradual bloom from each species. 

A delicate looking, but fairly hardy perennial, alyssum, planted last year, has finally bloomed. There is a range of lovely color, from pale yellow to pink to orange to a bright red.